Tiger salamanders need a humid environment and they like it a little cooler and as long as they are the same size or close to the same size as eachother.
Tiger salamanders have soft skin that can absorb oils and things from our hands so handling should be minimum. And if you must handle them wash your hands and rinse well, then slowly pick them up. They are insectivores meaning, they eat mostly insects.
Insects should be dusted in calcium twice a week. Juveniles can be fed every day adults can be fed every other day.
You can setup the aquarium semi aquatic with half land and half water. A small underwater filter is a good idea for the aquarium to keep the water clean.
You can also provide a large water dish that the salamander can fit into. The water bowl should be emptied and refilled daily.
Add a hide on the warm side and one on the cool side.
Use a minimum aquarium size of 15 gallons for 1 or 2 salamanders.
Live plants can be used to help with the humidity. Good plants are pothos,philodendron,and some ficus.
Mist the terrarium two to four times a day the humidity should be from 70 to 80 percent.
Use two thermometers one on the warm side one on the cool side. But the temperature should be around 68 on the cool side and 75 on the warm side during the day at night this can drop to 65 to 70 degrees.
Use a 2 to 3 inch layer of coconut fiber bedding or aquarium gravel.
Clean out waste weekly and clean the whole aquarium once a month.
Insects crickets,occasional waxworms,bloodworms,silkworms. Are all good choices.
Size 11 to 13 inches
Life span 10 to 20 years or more. With proper care.